Wednesday, February 3, 2010


This is not mine. You may have read/heard this before.

"When I was a kid, my scumbag of a stepfather, once... *only once* took us camping. I'd never been out in the woods before, and I haven't been there since, really. But the time with my stepfather, I caught a toad, and I took him home in a box. I fed him bugs that I'd catch... roaches mostly, since that's what we had, mostly.

After it rained, I'd take him up on the roof of our building too. Seein' it was outside, I figured he'd like to hop around up there, and I *think* he really did. I like to think that.

But this one time...

There were older kids up there, and they saw what I had... and they said they were going to throw my toad off the roof. And they were. I *knew* it.

And I also knew I couldn't *let* them do that.

To me.

So I did it myself.

After, I went down to the street, to find it. I looked everywhere... But I never did."

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